"Ain't no stopping us now-ow! We're on the move. We've got the groove." Don't know about you, but we can really see the Moon Doggers prancing around like McFadden & Whitehead performing their disco classic while knocking out what, at present, seems to be an unstoppable line of crazy beers with silly names. Not in a Hey, Hey, It's Saturday! racist embarrassment kind of way, more a kind of "Yes. We. Can." attitude, boosted by a subtle undercurrent of gay abandon. Latest off the conveyor belt is the Gingerbread Brown, which, according to one of the brewers "funnily enough, smells like gingerbread." Given it was racked onto 50kg of gingerbread baked by Biero, perhaps we shouldn't be surprised. It also tastes "spicy, brown sugary, bready, treacley... and gingerbready!" There's little bitterness, just lots of spice and sweetness. And flared bottomed good times, no doubt.
Published December 22, 2011 2011-12-22 00:00:00