Cheeky’s new IPA duo capitalises on their Double IPA, released only a week prior, in a blaze of stylistic exploration and confidence. Both feature Loki, Cheeky’s new limited release primate mascot, aptly named for his shapeshifting and mischievous nature; look out for more from him over the remainder of this year.
The Hazy IPA was Cheeky’s first beer to sell out at the 2019 Perth Craft Beer Fest and hits the sweet spot of playful brewer design and punter appeal – everybody wins. Double dry-hopped with Centennial, Citra and El Dorado, Hazy swells with lemony citrus and a fruity tropical undercurrent while keeping an IPA leaning bitterness.
A collaboration with festival organisers Bar Pop, Double NEIPA was the second beer to sell out at the festival. It sees Loki shifting gears into full NEIPA mode with a full mouthfeel that rolls through layers of orange, mango and tropical licks. The 8 percent ABV provides weight and texture while the OJ addition delivers a refreshing citric element in a very deceptively drinkable beer.
Guy Southern
Published August 21, 2019 2019-08-21 00:00:00