Festbier isn’t the first style that most would expect to appear from Feral. For starters, it’s an interloping lager in a house dominated by ales. And then there’s the lack of hoppy braggadocio in favour of delicate malt nuance – more than 100 days of lagering will do that to a beer.
That said, Zicke Zacke it does have a churlish, albeit robed, pig on the can. Then, thinking more broadly, perhaps the most anarchic thing a brewery that’s exhausted every other punk brewing avenue can do is to release a well-defined classic – how Feral!
Pouring clear gold, this toast to fellowship welcomes drinkers with clear, convivial bready malt and subtle, toasty crackers. Add in a teasing noble hop profile and fine carbonation, plus reasons to dress up and eat bratwurst, and there’s plenty to nerd out on here. Admittedly, that's not something to concern many festbier consumers as glasses clink and the oom-pah music rouses, but it’s nice to have options at this time of year should you be looking for more gentle celebrations.
Guy Southern
Published October 24, 2024 2024-10-24 00:00:00