They took the Aussie beer world a little by surprise with this release did Little Creatures. Bottles arrived at Crafty Towers before we even knew the was another Single Batch on the way and it seems plenty of others were unaware too. Still, following in the footsteps of the likes of the Big Dipper, Dreadnought and Quiet American, there's always a frisson of excitement to see what the team at Freo comes up with when given free rein to have a play in the brewery. This time around, they've brewed a Red IPA, one into which they tell us they've lobbed their "most lavish hopping regime to date". It's a regime that has cast its net far and wide, featuring British, American, Kiwi and new Aussie varieties. The multinational approach doesn't hit you up front, however, with the aroma defined as much by the sweet, caramel malts as anything hoppy. They go to work on the gleaming, blood orange coloured ale once in your mouth instead, particularly as it warms and allows the layers of malt and hops to come out to play. The hops also ensure that, despite the initial sweetness, it finishes pretty dry, with the distinct earthiness of what one assumes is the East Kent Goldings lingering at the end. It's not an IPA that'll knock you sideways, rather a well-balanced, decidedly drinkable one.
Published March 21, 2013 2013-03-21 00:00:00